Anyone who deals with project management knows it is one of the most interesting disciplines there is in the business world.
The key steps in project management are: to successfully plan, launch, coordinate, control, verify and finalize the project. Team management, presentations, conflict and risk management, process analysis as well as interdisciplinary knowledge, say on the subjects of law and finance (among other things), belong to the modern form of project management these days.
Success Through Coordinated Collaboration – Focus on Process-Oriented Work Technique
More and more businesses are looking for competent project managers. The IT industry, for instance, one has realized long ago that professional project management is a key tool when managing important tasks effectively, and keeping costs and schedules under control.
In order to ideally meet the complex project requirements of our customers, we provide you with our competent and experienced staff that will act as project managers. They will accompany you, coordinate and advise you and your team during the entire project, and, in the end, guarantee the successful implementation and completion of the project. In doing so, we work using a modular approach for both, single project modules as well as the overall project.
Projects Are Complex Systems
… With goal conflicts and other (risk) factors involved that are hard to predict. Each project moves within the Trias-factors (time / money / quality), which are generally referred to as the “magical triangle of project management”. Magical triangle, also, because:
- It is important that these factors remain in a certain balance to one another for each project
- A change of one of the factors always affects the other factors
“Work anywhere anytime” still turns out to be an interesting model…
… For the future. Flexible work – often from home – only works in a good corporate culture, which is characterized by personal responsibility and trust. Therefore, flexible work does not particularly suit every business.
Agile project management implies physical proximity. We are convinced that the principles of communication paths and tight schedules cannot be achieved across temporal and geographical distances.
It is not a matter of working control or presence control. Instead, it is a question of methods of the agile project management. Our hypothesis is that temporal and spatial distances complicate the agile project management the most.
In our opinion, all project participants work as closely together as possible. The proximity of developers and users makes agile projects efficient and responsive. Ideally, the team meets on a daily basis – a brief meeting is sufficient.
The members of the core team sit within call. The project’s future addressees know where each team has its office, and are able to provide feedback at any time.
If the team is spread across long distances and different time zones, agile project management will not work. For one thing, physical distance entails the risk of misunderstandings. For another, the entire communication will be delayed. In a team as such, a lot would have to be communicated multiple times, and with every repetition, mistakes could occur.
The magic of these agile methods falls by the wayside because of distances. The swift act upon changes and the collaboration with customers, who enjoy the high priority of agile project management, require proximity.
The desired goals are achieved with the help of agile project management.
Agile project management is like a balanced diet including fresh ingredients as well as plenty of nutrients and vitamins. Everything else is junk food/fast food/unhealthy.
- We Gladly Assist You in the Following Project Services:
- Project planning
- Project management
- Conception and realization
- Coaching / training on the job
- Operational support
- General support
We will gladly take our time to personally explain to you our services in detail.